Friday, November 8, 2013

Nov/Dec 2013: The Eyre Affair by Jasper Fforde

From the Penguin Book paperback edition:

"Welcome to a surreal version of Great Britain, circa 1985, where time travel is routine, cloning is a reality (dodos are the resurrected pet of choice), and literature is taken very, very seriously. England is a virtual police state where an aunt can get lost (literally) in a Wordsworth poem, militants Baconians heckle performances of Hamlet, and forging Byronic verse is a punishable offense. All this is business as usual for Thursday Next, renowned Special Operative in literary detection, until someone begins kidnapping characters from works of literature. When Jane Eyre is plucked from the pages of Bronte's novel, Thursday must track down the villain and enter the novel herself to avert a heinous act of literary homicide."

Visit the author's website by clicking here.  (Spoilers may be possible).

We will meet to discuss The Eyre Affair on Thursday, December 5th (because the last Thursday of November is Thanksgiving) at 7pm at the Atlantic Highlands branch of the Monmouth County Library located at 100 First Avenue (inside Borough Hall). 

We will also have our second annual holiday party on Thursday, December 5th! We will vote on our favorite and least favorite books from this year, and we will have a book exchange. Bring as many books as you like. If you don't have any to give away, that's okay too. You can tell us a little bit about the book or just put it/them on the table for whoever would like to take it home. If a book is unclaimed, you can take it back or it will be put on the free cart in the library.

Lori and Elita will bring some sort of beverage and snack (probably sweet). If you'd like to bring something to share, that would be fantastic! Ann donated several strings of Christmas lights to the library and we  hope to put them up again for our party. If you have anything suggestions for our celebration, please e-mail Lori at