"Little Bee, a young Nigerian refugee, has just been released from the British immigration detention center where she has been held under horrific conditions for the past two years, after narrowly escaping a traumatic fate in her homeland of Nigeria. Alone in a foreign country, without a family member, friend, or pound to call her own, she seeks out the only English person she knows. Sarah is a posh young mother and magazine editor with whom Little Bee shares a dark and tumultuous past.
They first met on a beach in Nigeria, where Sarah was vacationing with her husband, Andrew, in an effort to save their marriage after an affair, and their brief encounter has haunted each woman for two years. Now together, they face a disturbing past and an uncertain future with the help of Sarah’s four-year-old son, Charlie, who refuses to take off his Batman costume. A sense of humor and an unflinching moral compass allow each woman, and the reader, to believe that even in the face of unspeakable odds, humanity can prevail."
Helpful Links:
Author website: Click here. (Spoilers are likely if you click on the Little Bee links!)
Author's twitter: Click here.
Washington Post review of Little Bee: Click here. (Spoilers!)
Author video from group email: Click here.
We're meeting to discuss Little Bee on Thursday, March 31st at 7pm, at the Atlantic Highlands branch of the Monmouth County Library, located at 100 First Avenue (inside Borough Hall) in downtown Atlantic Highlands.
March 2016 marks our 6th Anniversary! We will have something (alcohol free) to toast the occasion with as well as cake to celebrate on March 31st! Please feel free to bring something savory or sweet to share with the group.